10 Tips To Manage Stress

10 ways I’m managing my stress right now (and over the next couple of weeks)

I have a really busy but exciting two weeks coming up and it’s really easy to become flustered, overwhelmed and burnt out.

I know I wasn’t to enjoy the moments I have coming up but to do that, I need to make sure I look after myself and manage my stress effectively.

Here’s how I’m going to do that:

1)      Seeking support and asking for help where I can, letting the perfectionist in me know that I don’t have to do it all!


2)      2) I’m making time for rest instead of overworking myself to get everything done – I know I can’t focus when I’m unrested.


3)      Giving myself enough time to plan. I find it useful to write things down so that they’re not taking up space in my head. I try to avoid huge to-do lists though as for me; this causes a headache!


4)      Switching off from everything when possible (including social media) and just having time for fun – whatever that looks or feels like to me in the moment.


5)      Reminding myself that this is an enjoyable time for me, and I want to remember it for that and not for the stressful time that went into the planning of it all.


6)      Spending time with people who lift me and make me feel happy and loved.


7)      Saying no to the things I can’t add to my plate right now and reminding myself that I don’t need to feel guilty about that because I can’t do everything all at once.


8)      Eating healthily – when I’m stressed or pushed for time it’s easy for me to neglect my dietary needs so I’m reminding myself how much more energised I feel when I eat healthily and regularly because I know that skipping meals isn’t going to fuel and nourish me.


9)      Moving my body- making the time to move my body and remembering that this really helps to let off some steam – perfect for stress-busting!


10)   Having a good cry if it all gets too much! It’s good to let it all out and our ears are a fantastic release for all those pent-up emotions, I usually feel much better after a good cry.


If you would like some help with managing your stress you can contact me here.



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